Thursday, 10 January 2013

Dawn Of The Dead (2004) Screenshot Analysis

This is another shot from the opening credits of Dawn Of The Dead (2004) and shows a reporter documenting the virus spreading on the news. Again with the majority of the opening news scenes, it is shot in a Middle Eastern country. This suggests that the film is trying to hint that ‘evil’ is coming from the Middle East as the 9/11 happened three years prior to the film’s release.

The opening credits is made up with these scenes filmed in the Middle East, and shows American Flags and American soldiers, which symbolizes America ‘fighting back’ this virus that is of Middle Eastern nature in this film. It shows that America is trying to have power over the virus and the Middle East.

The scene is very very grainy and the reporter has a very worried and anxious tone in his voice. This makes the scene seem real and quite frightening, 

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